Permaculture & Resilience Course Before you start

COVID-19 Resilience & Permaculture Course Disclaimer

Better together and managing expectations
Using new ways to build resilience with permaculture

Before we get into the details and content of our COVID-19 Community Resilience & Permaculture Course we want to share some of our values, believes and design drivers for this course. Actually, the process of creating and committing ourselves to this project followed the typical permaculture design process. Starting with observing the situation, analyzing the facts, designing a solution and now we are about to implement it. We will start evaluating and tweaking it based on your feedback and the need of our community. Our main design drivers are pretty solid and whatever we will change in terms of the structure and methods, our main purpose for this course will be consistent, we want to serve and increase resilience.

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Before we get into the details and content of our COVID-19 Community Resilience & Permaculture Course we want to share some of our values, beliefs and design drivers for this course.

After finishing this first session you will be:

  • Familiar with our design drivers and values for this course

  • Able to manage your expectations towards participating in this course Introduced to the primary directive of permaculture

  • Introduced to an easy method to check and increase your level of resilience

Main design drivers

Actually, the process of creating and committing ourselves to this project followed the typical permaculture design process starting with observing the situation, analyzing the facts, and designing a solution. Now we are about to implement it. We will start evaluating and tweaking it based on your feedback and the need of our community. Our main design drivers are pretty solid and whatever we will change in terms of the structure and methods, our main purpose for this course will be consistent; we want to serve and increase resilience. Using the permaculture design course curriculum as a north star, we will structure the course in a way that fosters independence in all dimensions of your life. By focusing on resilience and adding some more topics, techniques, and methods to the regular PDC curriculum we hope to:

  • Empower people in this time of isolation, uncertainty, and fear 

  • Build resilience on an individual, community and global level

  • Create the foundation and confidence to change our reality towards something new

Each and every session will just be the essence of what you would experience in one of our real-life permaculture sessions. Our offline facilitation style will be built upon the experience and knowledge of each and every participant and the synergies that occur while working as a group. We will moderate and facilitate the learning journey within the given structure, however, most of the magic will happen within and together with the group. Learning, understanding and discussing together is, from our point of view, key to becoming a mindful permaculture designer. Becoming part of a group teaches us to let go of our ego and value the diversity of personality, skill sets, and level of experience in a group. In every offline session, we will work with our heads, hands and our hearts to ensure everyone is able to follow - and that the new knowledge can sink in deeply to be fully digested and turned into experiential wisdom. 

How to get the most of this course?

To manage expectations, this online course is not designed to replace a real-life Permaculture Design Course. Please understand it as a first step into the permaculture world and a teaser to dive deeper into permaculture design on a later step of your journey. To get the most out of this online course, it is worth linking the topics and techniques back to your personal framework and reality. After a session, try to ask yourself how you would define your personal key takeaway of the day.

  • What was new?

  • What parts have you already implemented?

  • Which parts need more input and clarity?

  • What was resonating with you and why?

Not every aspect will be relevant or right for you. To get the most out of it, be active and see the sessions as raw input material for your own development. This course works for people that already participated in a PDC as a refreshment and it also works for people with no experience or knowledge in permaculture.

On whatever level you are, you will take the right information to move forward on your path. Even if you are familiar with permaculture, you might find that our focus and perspective is different from what you previously learned, and it might even be different from your definition of permaculture. This is totally fine and normal. As long as you are following the prime directive of permaculture defined by the three ethics (earth care, people care and fair share), just try to stay open-minded and curious. All ways are aiming towards the same goal - just following different paths and underlying assumptions and beliefs.

You’d like to become active?

We are aware of the huge workload and the strong commitment we are putting into this. Therefore we do not want to do it alone. We want to create possibilities of co-creation and co-ownership. In order to reach and empower people to go back to the land and grow their own food. We need you, your creativity, your expertise and your skills. Whoever wants to support the process, we are grateful for your support! 

If you feel you have time, energy or any other resources you want to share with us, great. Let us know in what way you might be able to contribute and we will organize and figure out what will be the best way to make it happen. Send us an email

Accessibility, quality, and visualization are key! We are looking for persons that like to translate the content into other languages, supporting with visualization, video editing or other skills that help to spread the message and create hope and empowerment. We do not want to do it alone and we are also not able to do it alone. We need you and your contribution to turning this current problem into a solution and into a start for something new!

Ready for the next Session?